• How do I get an appointment at the Hubli Super Speciality Hospital?

    Click Here to request an appointment. Depending on the availability of Doctors, our team will schedule a meeting and reach on to your registered number to keep you informed.

  • How long does it take to get an appointment?

    The waiting time depends on the doctor’s availability. We ensure you get one at the earliest!

  • Do we need to get all the previous reports or will the tests be conducted?

    Yes, previous records help us conduct an initial examination. Based on the discussion with experts, we refer the patients to undergo different tests if necessary.

  • What are the types of treatments that the hospital offers?

    We are a super-speciality hospital that provides comprehensive treatment and cures for all ailments. Explore our various departments here

  • Which are the list of Health Insurance companies the hospital is tied up with?

    Mention the list of health insurance companies the foundation/hospital is associated with.

  • Which are the nearby hotels for accommodation and where is good food available?

    Direct it to some recommended hotel list

  • How many visitors are allowed when a patient is admitted to your hospital?

    Only one to maintain the decorum of the hospital. Other visitors can visit the patients within the time allocated for the visitors.

  • How many numbers of wards and rooms are available?

    Please check with doctors and mention it

  • Is a pharmacy and canteen available in the vicinity of the hospital?

    Yes, it is within the vicinity. The pharmacy functions 24/7.

We need your feedback because it values us lot and helps us to improve and impact better and more, thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback.

Helpline Number 7353-040-000

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